• letsgotourandtravels1@gmail.com
  • +91 9475682444


Client Testimonials


Prithwish Das

“I had a plan to visit the northern part of India with my family and so I booked a tour package from Lets Go Tour and Travels. The arrangement was very good. They always looked after our comfort and made all necessary arrangements for everything. The tour package rate was also very reasonable. I am very much pleased with their service and wish to contact them again in the future if needed.”



“One of my friends decided to take a tour of the continent of Europe. The name of the travel company from where he booked the tour package for Europe was Lets Go Tour and Travels. When I met him after he returned from his Europe tour, he was praising the travel company a lot. He was extremely pleased with their arrangements and behaviour.”



“A relative of mine wanted to visit the islands of Andaman and Nicobar. She was looking for a travel company to book a tour package for that. I suggested her the name of Lets Go Tour and Travels, which proved to be the right decision. The rate of their Andaman tour package was pocket-friendly and she got to visit a number of interesting places at Andaman and Nicobar because of their well-planned tour package.”

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